A journey spanning the neon lights of Kabukicho, listless suburban sprawl, and the languid warmth of summer nights on the beach with UK musician Jeshi, for his track “Inside Out”. With thematic nods to Jeshi’s past pivot away from retaliatory violence, via a homage to Takeshi Kitano’s off-kilter 1993 gangster flick “Sonatine”, the video pairs urban dynamism and grit with suburban ennui, reflecting the contrasting sides to city life that both Londoners and Tokyoites will be able to relate to. Huge thanks to our partners at Heckler in Singapore for this incredible collaboration.

DirectorMike Sunda

DOPVictor Ivanov

EditorAndrew Holmes

ProducerAime Okamoto

The UK rapper and his crew face the languid Japanese summer heat in this homage to 1993's "Sonatine".